consultative session

A team from the Urban Unit with Frost and Sullivan the new city planning consultant conducted a Consultative Session with Academia as a Stakeholder through School of Architecture and Planning Seminar Platform on the project planning component: “Stakeholder Consultations” for the visioning of New Economic City in Punjab, led by the consultant firm as part of their pre-feasibility studies for the New Economic City.


A government of Punjab has initiated studies for a new urban development on world class standards along Motorway M2 corridor near Lillah Interchange as a possible site. The city would cover 600 sq. Km of land area offering diverse work-live-leisure opportunities.

The initiative is expected to capitalize on potential opportunities offered under the CPEC’s long term goals to grow business and trade with china and the CISs in addition to boost domestic commerce within and between provinces based on the immense potential of urbanization and economic growth in Punjab.

Khurram Farid Bargatt Principal Planner and Mr Wasim Shahid Malik, Energy Rating Specialist represented Sheher Saaz (Pvt) and gave their opinion and suggestions at this session.

Sheher Saaz


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