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Tag: Net Zero Energy Buildings NZEB

Sustainable Housing

Energy-saving and sustainability are the governments’ key focus areas for the next decade and beyond. It is essential for the UK to not only build new houses which are sustainable but make changes to our existing houses to reduce carbon emissions. Currently, the existing housing stock and travel accounts for 40 percent of UK carbon emissions and this are where most of the changes need to take place. However, initially, the government is concentrating on any new build housing and implementing significant regulations to ensure all new houses built are much more energy efficient. In order to create sustainable housing, the government has introduced the Code for Sustainable Homes. This is a set of six levels which range from a 10% energy efficiency rating right up to 100% which is carbon zero. Carbon zero is when a house does not have any net carbon emissions. The house will still emit carbon into the atmosphere but due to the systems and renewable energy solutions installed in the home, the amount of carbon released is offset by the energy saved or generated. The government has committed to building 5 Eco Towns throughout the UK which will have little or no carbon footprint. This is a bold step for the government as many builders in the construction industry are struggling to meet even the lower levels of the Code for Sustainable Homes guidelines. However, the long-term plan is that all new homes whether the public or private sector will have to meet level 6 of the Code. With over 160,000 new homes being built every year this will have a positive impact on the level of carbon emissions in the UK. By their very nature, sustainable homes will initially be more expensive to purchase but in the long term will save homeowners much more in terms of fuel and energy bills and of course the environment. The difference between an existing house and a sustainable house might be some of the following aspects: Triple Glazing Enhanced insulation External thermal wall cladding Greywater harvesting Ground source heating Solar Panels Photovoltaic cells Wood burner or stove Timber frame In order for the UK to really make a dent in carbon emission levels, it is critical for homeowners in older properties to make changes to reduce their carbon footprint.

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Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and Challenges for Pakistan

In the post SDG scenario, the world’s development direction is much steered towards sustainable development and sustainability. Cities are major contributors to the achievement of sustainable development besides currently being blamed for global environmental concerns. Cities consume the energy of various forms which is mainly coming from non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels. Renewable sources, such as solar, wind, biomass, improved fuels like ethanol, and biodiesel are important means which can be utilized to meet the energy demands and creating a sustainable world. Cities have buildings of various kinds which have a significant impact on energy use and the environment. For example, Commercial and residential buildings use almost 40% of the primary energy. The energy used by the building sector continues to increase, primarily because new buildings are constructed faster than old ones are retired. Energy conservation in buildings results in environmental saving. The modern experience in energy saving is through net-zero energy building (NZEB) which is a residential or commercial building with greatly reduced energy needs. In such a building, efficiency gains have been made such that the balance of energy needs can be supplied with renewable energy technologies. The country is located at a good solar elevation angle for Photovoltaics (PV) and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) applications throughout the year. The potential of Pakistan’s solar irradiance for example is one of its kind opportunity for urban Pakistan. Recognizing this very need for ensuring sustainability and the role of cities in energy conservation, SheherSaaz (Pvt.) Ltd. is organizing a Lecture on Net Zero Energy Buildings. Mr. Waseem  Shahid Malik is a renowned renewable energy expert having vast experience in renewable technologies. He has special expertise in the creation of NZEB in Europe and the Middle East. Venue: Sheher Saaz (Pvt) Ltd 21 Deyal Singh Mansion, 57 The Mall, Lahore Date: 20th May 2016 Time: 17:30 – 19-30 Due to limited seats, an email confirmation is required.  Email at shehersaaz@gmail.com Tel: 042-37323932 Waseem Shahid Malik 25 years experience in the field of design, development, research, training, project management, and analysis of various energy efficiency, solar PV, heat pumps and micro CSP integrated energy projects. My expertise includes Solar Resource Assessment, EIA, Feasibility Studies, Energy modeling (domestic, commercial & industrial), energy audits, energy management, energy monitoring, and energy efficiency.He has extensive working experience in the field of BMS, Energy Efficiency, Solar PV grid, off-grid, large scale PV applications, developed solutions to reduce carbon footprint in the built environment, industrial process, PVPS design, solar-based water pumps, and net-zero energy buildings project development providing consultancy and advisory services about Eco Asset Management and Energy Efficiency Financing to various private entrepreneurs, corporations, semi Governments, utility companies, universities and initiated much need-based research projects.

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Net Zero Energy Buildings and Challenges for Pakistan Recap

A lecture was organized on the 20th of May 2016 at Sheher Saaz Lahore office on “Net Zero Energy Buildings and challenges for Pakistan”, in which Mr. Waseem Shahid Malik an expert on renewable energy gave his presentation on the subject. Ms. Huma Beg also gave a presentation on green architecture and showed her her own projects made of straw-bale and examples around the world. She emphasized that staw-bale can be the cheapest and efficient way of building homes for the poor and needy in the country. She also mentioned by using straw-bale modern luxury homes can also be built. Dr. Riaz Akbar from Canada(on Skype) also gave his point of view on green architecture and asked the house to find gaps and the way forward. In reply, Ms. Hume told that in order to proceed all we need to do is make a forum of like-minded people who are keen to work on green architecture and start taking action. Mr. Waseem in his presentation described the practices of Net Zero Energy Buildings around the world. He also explained how the middle east has scrapped all new housing projects and asked the developers to follow a new protocol on Net Zero Energy Buildings. Mr. Waseem explained how to calculate the needs and requirements of the energy of a house and how to incorporate them into the design. In his statement, he also said that Chinese vendors have made the Pakistani market a junkyard for their products. There are no rules and regulations to check the quality of imported items in the country. He also suggested that there should be a hotline in order to check the quality and report malpractices in this sector. This lecture was attended by the architects, planners, students, representatives from the society, developers, and academicians from Lahore and Islamabad.  Among participants were, Mr. Mushtaq Hussain Bargatt Chairman MMBT, Dr. Sohail Qureshi, Expert on Solar Energy,  Dr. Javed Iqbal DG EPA, Rizwan ur Rehman Planner, Nadeem Khursid Planner, Mohammad Shoaib Planner, Ali Haider, Syed Ejaz Hussain, Muhammad Zubair Planner DHA. Maryam Akam Electrical Eng. Saad Awan Student CS, Khaleeq Ahmad contractor, Eng Ateeq Ahmad, Eng Hassan Javed. Arch Ayesha Batool, Yasir Naseem, Arch Ayesha Farooq, Planner Affaq Butt, Ms. Huma Beg, Mr. Waseem Malik, and Mr. Khurram Farid. Dr. Riaz Akbar from Canada on video conference also participated.

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