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Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems in Urban Planning

Urban planners face numerous challenges regarding the development and growth of cities as they aim to provide residents with essential infrastructure and services. To address these challenges effectively, remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are being deployed for improved precision and streamlined planning procedures. With RS tools like satellite imagery or aerial photography coupled with GIS technology usage-urban planners have access to a more detailed primary data on which they base their decisions. Data Collection Remote Sensing (RS), through satellite imaging and aerial photography, provides detailed views of a city’s physical features. Combined with Geographic Information Systems’ (GIS) computer-based mappingtools, urban planners can accurately visualize the urban landscape. Mapping out critical infrastructure like road networks or construction sites could be efficiently executed using these technologies. The acquired information can be utilized to pinpoint any locations within the city that necessitate upgrades or improvements. Insufficiencies pertaining to transportation systems and dilapidated buildings could entail potential targets for these enhancements. Advantages of Remote Sensing and GIS in urban planning Urban planning benefits immensely from the use of RS and GIS to extract information concerning the environment. The amount of green space within a city, for example, can be accurately determined using satellite imagery. Urban inhabitants are increasingly realizing the numerous advantages of green spaces such as parks and gardens which play a crucial role in better air quality, reduced heat islands, and physical activities. Another significant benefit is that urban planners can model various scenarios by utilizing GIS software to create three dimensional models that simulate diverse developmental plans such as new infrastructure or buildings. Before issues arise, models can help detect potential problems and make appropriate land use and zoning decisions. Through the use of RS and GIS, natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes can be analyzed and predicted. RS/GIS in Natural Disasters Satellite imagery analysis aids in identifying vulnerable areas within the city, allowing planners to make recommendations that may include building elevation or green infrastructure that minimizes flood risk. Universal access to higher education is an imperative, which must become a reality to ensure equitable development of society. Specific privileges or limitations on such an education being reserved for the elite are unjust and result in deep social inequalities perpetuated over time. RS and GIS can also play a critical role in urban transportation planning Through the application of RS and GIS, crucial insights into urban transportation planning become available. By conducting thorough analyses of traffic circulation patterns and road infrastructures, regions experiencing high levels of congestion can be identified for enhancement efforts suchas revised signals timing plans, delineated cycling pathways or new modes of public transit. The consideration of community needs and preferences in making determinations regarding city growth can be supported by utilizing remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) during urban planning. Decisions making in city’s development On the other hand, there are particular difficulties that must be tackled regarding these tools’ usage within this context. The adequacy and excellence of available data are among such problems with substantial disparities still prevalent across different nations, particularly those considered underdeveloped. Likewise, this variability in data quality can impact analytical precision levels. Conclusion The intricate nature of GIS technology poses a major challenge for urban planners. Despite the increasing user-friendliness of software, its effective utilizationrequires specialized knowledge and training. This can be an obstacle in smaller cities or developing countries.Urban planners harness remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) to address the complex challenges of city development. Despite disparities in data quality and technical expertise, these tools empower planners to make informed decisions for sustainable and equitable urban growth. Also read…………..

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یہ کوئی عام کھنڈر نہیں یہ دسویں (10)صدی کے مشہور سائینسدان ابوریحان البیرونی کی لیبارٹری ہے

یہ کھنڈر ضلع جلہم کے شہر پنڈ دادنخان میں واقع ہیں۔ یہ کوئی عام کھنڈر نہیں یہ دسویں صدی کے مشہور سائینسدان ابوریحان البیرونی کی لیبارٹری ہے، جس میں انھوں نے ان پہاڑوں کی چوٹیوں کا استعمال کر کے زمین کی کل پیمائش کا صحیح اندازہ لگایا البیرونی کے مطابق زمین کا قطر 3928.77 تھا جبکہ موجودہ ناسا کی جدید کیلکولیشن کے مطابق 3847.80 ھے یعنی محض81 کلومیٹر کا فرق_ البہرونی نے ڈھائی سو سے زیادہ کتابیں لکھیں، وہ محمود غزنوی کے دربار سے منسلک تھے، افغان لشکر کے ساتھ کلرکہار آئے، افغانوں نے البیرونی کے ڈیزائن پر انکو یہ لیبارٹی بنا کر دی، ابو ریحان محمد بن احمد البیرونی المعروف البیرونی کی لیبارٹری ہے ‏اب سوچنے کی بات یہ ہے کہ ہم اپنے ورثہ کی کیسے قدر کرتے ہیں، اس میں ماسوائے چند بکریاں چرانے والوں کے علاوہ کوئی نہیں جاتا، اگر اس کا خیال نہیں رکھا گیا تو بہت ہی جلد ہم اس عجوبہ سے محروم ہوجائینگے، اس کے علاوہ یہاں تک جانے کا راستہ بھی ٹھیک نہیں ہے، اس کے لئے تقریبا ایک گھنٹہ کا پیدل سفر کرنا پڑے گا،‏حکومت کو چاہیئے کہ دوبارہ سے ٹھیک کرے اور تعلیمی اداروں کو چاہیئے کہ Study Tours ایسے تاریخی مقامات پر کروایا کریں۔ یہ جو سٹڈی ٹور مری، نتھیا گلی وغیرہ میں کیئے جاتے ہیں یہ صرف اور صرف تفریح ہی ہو سکتے ہیں ان سے تعلیمی مقاصد حاصل نہیں کیئے جا سکتے،‏1974 میں سوویت یونین نے ابو ریحان محمد بن البیرونی پر ایک فلم بھی بنائی ھے جس کا نام ھے ابو ریحان البیرونی، البیرونی کی وفات 1050 میں غزنی افغانستان میں ہوئی اور وہیں آسودہ خاک ہیں Also read…………..

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Unveiling the Vitality of the River Ravi: The Lifeline Sustaining Punjab’s Prosperity

River Ravi is Home to 52 Million People Almost 75% of the river basin is used for agriculture. The River Ravi is a major river in Pakistan that runs through the province of Punjab and is an important source of water for Lahore, the capital city of the province. The ecological role of the River Ravi for Lahore is significant in several ways: Water Supply: The River Ravi is an important source of water for Lahore and its surroundings, providing water for irrigation, drinking, and industrial use.Biodiversity: The River Ravi and its floodplains support a diverse array of plant and animal life, including several species of fish, birds, and mammals.Flood Control: The River Ravi can flood during the monsoon season, but the floods also help in recharging the groundwater and also help in maintaining the biodiversity of the area.Climate Regulations: The River Ravi and its associated wetlands and vegetation act as a natural buffer against heat waves and extreme weather events, helping to regulate the local climate. Recreational and Cultural Values: The River Ravi is an important recreational and cultural resource for Lahore, with parks, gardens, and other public spaces along its banks that provide opportunities for outdoor activities and cultural events. However, over the past few decades, the River Ravi has been facing a number of ecological challenges, such as pollution, encroachment, and over-extraction of water. As a result, efforts have been made to restore the river and its ecological functions, such as riverbank stabilization, reforestation, and construction of wetlands.It is important to protect and restore the ecological role of the River Ravi for the benefit of Lahore and its inhabitants, by promoting sustainable land-use practices, water management, and conservation efforts. Ensuring the Sustainability of River Ravi Riparian Zone Integrated Urban Water Management: By adopting IUWM principles, responsible wastewater treatment, stormwater and solid waste management, capacity building, environmental policy adherence, and community involvement, Sustainable water usage and protection of the river’s ecosystems could be ensured. These steps will promote the recycling and reuse of water, plastics, and other recyclables, thus ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment.Awareness Campaigns: Awareness campaigns should be initiated and run to engage the public, businesses, and civil society in the revitalization of River Ravi and its nullahs. The campaign aims to create support, promote behavior change, and generate excitement about the benefits of a healthy ecosystem. Wasted Water Treatment: To improve the water quality, a combination of localized municipal wastewater treatment and strategically placed centralized facilities is suggested. This integrated approach will be helpful to protect water quality throughout the nullahs, reflecting their interconnectivity. As a result, it can help the natural processes that can process some pollutants and clean effluents. Land Demarcation and Acquisition: It is necessary to demarcate and acquire land along the riverbanks. The encroachment into the river zones should be prevented to reduce the risk of property damage. By delineating the land and defining “river zones” based on flood lines, further degradation can be avoided and revitalization efforts can continue. Ultimately, restoring and maintaining the ecological integrity of the River Ravi is not only crucial for the well-being of Lahore and its inhabitants but also for the overall health of the region’s ecosystems and biodiversity. By taking proactive measures to address the ecological challenges facing the river and its riparian zone, we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come. Together, through collaborative efforts and a shared commitment to environmental stewardship, we can protect and restore the natural heritage of the River Ravi, ensuring its continued contribution to the ecological, social, and economic well-being of the Punjab province and beyond. Author: Tayyaba Akhtar

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Women Mobility for Public Transportation: Overcoming Barriers and Strategies

Cities are growing at an unprecedented rate, around 55% of the world population is living in urban areas which will further increase to 68% by the year 2050 (United Nations, 2018). Every week more than one million people migrate to urban areas which increases the demand for existing transportation systems (Shin-Pei Tsay, 2013). This drastic increase impacts sustainable development and reduces equity of residents for transportation facilities on varying levels. Access to public transportation provides ample mobility options to the residents and can easily commute within different areas with safety and ease. Productive and sustainable cities need modern mobility systems able to transport increasing numbers of people whilst doing the least possible damage to the natural environment (Shannon Bouton, 2016). It increases the visitor’s pressure on the available transportation opportunities and impacts infrastructure and quality of life. Subsidizing quality public transport is not a bad bargain for sustainable cities. The availability of affordable and decent public transport has many advantages; it enables people to improve their lives by accessing markets, employment, healthcare, and education (Naqvi, 2021). It has a beneficial effect on people’s productivity, and the environment as well. Urban mobility is an essential element of safe public transportation which enhances resident’s satisfaction and promotes sustainable living by improving services and prosperity of residents. Mobility and Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 aims to provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for every resident, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transportation. It focuses on giving special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities, and older persons (Josephine Kaviti Musango, 2020). Through the provision and implementation of these goals, equity can be achieved which is an essential element in planning. Various factors like age, gender, income, and disability should be considered in policy-making for the provision of access to public transportation (Rodrigue, 2020). Gender differences in travelling behavior are due to unequal access to public transportation and attitudes towards various means of transport. They can also be explained by men’s and women’s differing activity patterns and responsibilities as well as by gender role attitudes (Noack, 2011). Efficient mobility systems reduce congestion, accidents, noise, pollution, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions thanks to transit avoided carbon, at the same time facilitating access to education, jobs, markets, and a range of other essential services to ensure that ‘no one is left behind’ (Turner & Ciambra, 2019). Accordingly, it can be argued that at least seven SDGs are linked to mobility, either explicitly through transport-related targets, or via cross-cutting dimensions of sustainable transport in urban and territorial policies. The new Urban Agenda sits within a framework of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and 169 detailed component targets, which provide a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. There are several targets directly linked with investing in more walking and public transport, most notably SDG 11.2 (Sustainable Transport for All) which states: “By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons”. Inequalities generated due to unequal access to transport systems are a subject studied in several high-income cities. Several studies have shown how differences in access can generate disparities between different social classes, however, these differences have not been studied in the same way for gender inequities. In general, accessibility and transport planning have not been sensitive to subjects such as gender, age, disability, and ethnicity (Lecompte & S., 2107). Sustainable Development Goal 5 concerns gender equality and is fifth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording of SDG 5 is “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” (Nations, 2017). Women face more difficulties and challenges in the context of mobility. They constitute about 51 percent of the total population, and about 22.7 percent of labor force against men’s 83.3% (Noor Rahman, 2021). Travel patterns of women and their participation in activities derive from gender roles that remain traditional. Equity and women empowerment has been set by the United Nations as unique goals on the 2030 global agenda for sustainable development. SDG 5 highlights the importance of gender equality and empowering women by ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls that impacts all the development areas (UN, 2016).  The higher risk of violence also reflects gender-based inequalities. Women in this regard face many issues due to a lack of government attention towards the proper provision of public transportation along with other feeder buses. Lack of proper segregation in buses ultimately increases women’s violence due to the lack of provision of rights. The concern for women’s safety in public transportation is important to prevent sexual harassment and the fear of violence that prevents women and girls from accessing opportunities for work, study, and leisure. Literature Review on Women Mobility In several countries (Japan, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, India, Belarus, Philippines), vehicles reserved for “women only” have been introduced to combat sexual harassment. In the light underground railway in Manila, for example, the first two carriages are reserved exclusively for women and children; in Mexico, buses and metro carriages reserved especially for women have been added during rush hours, with the Police responsible for ensuring that the separation of men from women is properly respected (Duchène, 2011). There are also taxis reserved for women in the United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, India, Dubai, and Iran.   In developed countries, comparative travel studies of men and women tend to show converging patterns of behavior. However, differences remain because women have far more complex programs of activity. In both North America and Europe, for example, women make more trips, and in more complex chains, than those made by men, notably because they undertake more non-work-related trips. In Europe, women are more dependent than men on public transport networks, of which they make greater use.

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Breaking Down Barriers: How Mixed Land Use Can Combat Climate Change Mixed-use planning is a critical element of self-sustained cities. Investing in mixed-use planning contributes to long-term sustainability by ensuring current development gains and safeguarded future generations’ needs as the population is rapidly migrating towards the cities. As, Pakistan is one of the fastest urbanizing nations within South Asia with an average annual growth rate of 2.7% (PBS, 2017; Kotkin and Cox, 2013). Mixed-use planning is based on the concept of smart development, transit-oriented planning and compact development which may ultimately help us in the development of sustainable cities land use is a systemic property and needs to be examined as an interconnected concept of urban sustainability,  however understanding the different principles of urban land use and how they relate to each other in making a complex adaptive systemic configuration is also relevant for urban action and urban planning overall. To become meaningful, mixed-use has to address scale issues appropriately. Promoting energy-efficient building design and construction is another significant way that mixed land use may aid in the battle against climate change. Mixed-use structures can be the ideal place to incorporate environmentally friendly elements like green roofs, effective lighting systems, and renewable energy sources that have the potential to significantly lower energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions. Mixed-use developments can also benefit from shared infrastructure like utility systems and parking garages, which results in further energy and emissions savings. The carbon footprint of buildings, which are one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, can be decreased with the aid of these energy-saving technologies. Another important way that mixed land use can help in the fight against climate change is by promoting energy-efficient building design and construction. By combining residential and commercial spaces, mixed-use buildings can offer the perfect opportunity to integrate sustainable features like green roofs, efficient lighting systems, and renewable energy sources that have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, mixed-use developments can take advantage of shared infrastructure such as parking garages and utility systems, resulting in further energy and emissions savings. These energy-saving features can help to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings, which are among the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Green roofs, for example, provide insulation and cooling, which can lower indoor temperatures by up to 5°C and reduce the energy needed for air conditioning. Additionally, green spaces can help absorb carbon dioxide emissions, improving air quality and reducing the environmental impact of urbanization. Moreover, mixed land use can promote passive solar architecture, which can further reduce energy demand and associated emissions. Passive solar architecture uses the sun’s energy to naturally heat buildings during the winter, reducing the need for artificial heating. This approach can also be applied to cooling buildings during the summer, by using shading and natural ventilation to keep indoor temperatures comfortable. This can lead to significant energy savings, as buildings are one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. By encouraging sustainable urban planning and passive solar architecture, mixed land use can help mitigate the environmental impacts of urbanization and support more sustainable and resilient communities. To sum up, mixed land use offers a comprehensive and multifaceted method of addressing climate change. Mixed land use can encourage the growth of resilient and sustainable communities by integrating sustainable transportation, energy-efficient building design, and sustainable urban design. This strategy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the impact of the urban heat island, and reduce energy use and related expenses. Additionally, mixed land use is advantageous for reasons other than environmental sustainability since it can promote public health, social fairness, and economic growth. To build more sustainable, livable, and resilient communities, legislators, planners, and developers must incorporate mixed land use methods into their plans and projects. Author: Planner Mahnoor Arif PCATP Registered Planner Bachelors in City and Regional Planning, LWCU Master in City and Regional Planning, UET

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Being a Town Planner in Pakistan: –

After passing my college I started applying in different universities with the dream of being engineer and Uet Lahore being the most economical and public sector university Was the priority. Well, I was lucky enough to get admission in City and Regional Planning in first merit list and after one week of classes I get to know its not even engineering it was moment of heartbreak anyways, I accepted being a Town planner/Urban Planner Alhamdulillah’s best decision ever. I graduated and got a Job before even completing my degree and doing great so far. But after all these years still it’s a challenge to introduce myself as a Town Planner/Urban Planner. People are always like you are like event planner and getting some more information they are like ok ok, so you are an architect and I ended up saying Yeah! And majority of my friends and Family thinks I, m an Engineer perk of UET .So today I want to try to share with world the role of town planner in Pakistan. Town planners in Pakistan are responsible for creating plans and designs for urban areas that ensure efficient land use, effective transportation systems, and sustainable development you may have heard of Lahore Master plan we do that. Town planners working in development authorities review proposals for new developments, such as housing projects (DHA,BEHRIA) or commercial buildings, to ensure they comply with zoning regulations and other land-use policies. We promote sustainable development by encouraging the use of renewable resources and minimizing the negative impact of development on the environment. We are responsible for overseeing the management of urban infrastructure, including water and sewer systems, roads, and public transportation. Town planners engage with stakeholders such as community members, business owners, and local government officials to ensure that their plans and policies align with the needs and interests of the community. We are responsible for developing livable, environmentally sound, and economically active metropolitan areas that serve their populations’ requirements.So, you can call Us Doctor of cities but please stop confusing us with event planners, architects and engineers. Proud of being Town Planner.Good day! Author: Junaid Maqsood (URBAN PLANNER)

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Eco-innovation for Smart Green Cities – Usage of Environmental and Digital Policies

According to the United Nations, cities are responsible for over 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. With more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas, the need for sustainable, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient cities has never been more crucial. This is where eco-innovation comes into play. 1. Introduction: Importance of Eco-Innovation for Smart Green Cities Eco-innovation refers to developing and adopting new technologies, policies, and practices that promote sustainable development and help reduce negative environmental impacts. In the context of smart green cities, eco-innovation plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable urban development. The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate has reported that investing in sustainable urban infrastructure could generate $17 trillion in global economic benefits by 2050. Eco-innovation is essential for smart green cities that are sustainable, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient, as it can help cities become more resilient to the challenges of climate change and create a better future for all. Copenhagen has set an ambitious goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025, and Singapore has adopted a biophilic design approach, which involves incorporating nature into the urban environment. The city has also created over 300 hectares of green spaces, including the Gardens by the Bay, which has become a popular tourist attraction. Environmental policies are regulations and guidelines put in place by governments to manage and protect the environment. They promote eco-innovation by creating a supportive regulatory environment and encouraging businesses to adopt sustainable practices. The European Union’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) is a market-based policy that limits emissions and provides a framework for businesses to develop new technologies and practices that reduce their environmental impact. Environmental policies promote eco-innovation by incentivizing companies to reduce emissions and invest in low-carbon technologies, such as the Renewable Energy Sources Act in Germany and the Energy Efficiency Directive in the European Union. The US Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards require automakers to produce vehicles with higher fuel efficiency, leading to the development of electric and hybrid vehicles. These policies provide a framework for businesses to develop new technologies and practices that reduce their environmental impact, helping to create a sustainable future. Digital policies are essential for the development of smart green cities, which aim to use technology to promote sustainability and reduce negative environmental impacts. Digital policies create a supportive regulatory environment that encourages the adoption of sustainable technologies and provides a framework for businesses and governments to develop and adopt technologies that reduce their environmental impact. Understanding and implementing effective digital policies is essential for promoting big green cities and building a sustainable future. Several digital policies have been successful in promoting smart green cities, including: Digital policies play a crucial role in promoting smart green cities by creating a supportive regulatory environment that encourages the adoption of sustainable technologies. By setting standards and regulations that promote sustainability, digital policies provide a framework for businesses and governments to develop and adopt technologies that reduce their environmental impact. As the world becomes increasingly digital, understanding and implementing effective digital policies is essential for promoting smart green cities and building a sustainable future. Environmental and digital policies may seem unrelated, but they intersect in several areas. For instance, digital technologies can help monitor and manage environmental data, leading to better environmental policies and more sustainable practices. Environmental policies can also incentivize the adoption of digital technologies that promote sustainability, such as smart grids and energy-efficient buildings. The intersection of environmental and digital policies provides several opportunities for eco-innovation, including: Barcelona is a leading smart green city that has implemented several eco-innovative solutions. The city has implemented a smart parking system that uses sensors to monitor parking spaces and provide real-time information to drivers, reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. The city has also implemented a bike-sharing system, which encourages sustainable transportation and reduces carbon emissions. Courtesy: Lonely Planet Amsterdam is another leading smart green city that has implemented several eco-innovative solutions. The city has implemented a smart grid system that uses digital technologies to manage and optimize the distribution of electricity, leading to more efficient and sustainable energy use. Amsterdam has also implemented a waste management system that uses sensors to monitor waste levels and optimize waste collection, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Courtesy: URENIO Masdar City is a sustainable city in the United Arab Emirates that is powered entirely by renewable energy sources. The city uses a combination of solar, wind, and geothermal energy to power its buildings and infrastructure. The city also uses advanced building technologies, such as passive cooling and insulation, to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability. Courtesy: Masdar News Songdo is a smart green city that was built from the ground up to promote sustainability and livability. The city uses advanced building technologies, such as green roofs and solar panels, to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability. Songdo also has an extensive public transportation system, which encourages sustainable transportation and reduces carbon emissions. Courtesy: We Build Value Portland is a leading smart green city in the United States that has implemented several eco-innovative solutions. The city has implemented a bike-sharing system, which encourages sustainable transportation and reduces carbon emissions. Portland has also implemented a smart grid system that uses digital technologies to manage and optimize the distribution of electricity, leading to more efficient and sustainable energy use. Courtesy: Smart Cities World By incorporating eco-innovation into the planning and development process, cities can reduce their environmental impact while improving the quality of life for their residents. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed for the successful implementation of eco-innovation in smart green cities. Funding and resources, regulatory and legal barriers, and lack of public awareness and support are some of the primary challenges that must be overcome. Fortunately, there are potential solutions to address these challenges. Establishing public-private partnerships, developing supportive regulations, and engaging with the community through education and outreach programs are just a few of the potential solutions that can help ensure the success of eco-innovation in

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Poor landscaping

Poor Landscaping: Detrimental to our Environment

Landscaping, the art and practice of designing and modifying the features of a piece of land to improve its appearance, can have a significant impact on the environment. Poor landscaping practices can cause numerous environmental problems, including soil erosion, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. In this blog post, we will explore how poor landscaping can be detrimental to our environment. poor landscaping–Soil Erosion: Soil erosion is a major environmental problem caused by poor landscaping practices. When soil is exposed to the elements, such as wind and water, it can easily be eroded. This can lead to the loss of topsoil, which is rich in nutrients and essential for plant growth. Soil erosion can also lead to the formation of gullies and other landforms that can negatively impact the ecosystem. One of the primary causes of soil erosion is poor landscaping practices such as improper grading, planting on steep slopes, and removal of vegetation. To prevent soil erosion, it is essential to implement proper landscaping techniques, such as the use of mulch, the planting of ground cover, and the use of erosion-control devices. Soil erosion occurs when soil is removed from the land surface by wind, water, or other factors. The loss of topsoil, which is rich in nutrients, can have a negative impact on plant growth, making it difficult for plants to grow and survive. Additionally, soil erosion can lead to the formation of gullies and other landforms that can negatively impact the ecosystem. The sediment from soil erosion can also clog waterways and damage infrastructure. To prevent soil erosion, proper landscaping techniques must be implemented. One technique is to use mulch, which helps to retain moisture and stabilize soil. Mulch also helps to prevent weeds from growing, which can compete with plants for nutrients and water. Another technique is to plant ground cover, which helps to prevent soil erosion by providing a protective layer over the soil. Finally, the use of erosion-control devices such as retaining walls or terraces can help to stabilize slopes and prevent soil erosion. Water Pollution: Another environmental problem caused by poor landscaping practices is water pollution. When chemicals and pollutants from fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides are used in landscaping, they can easily run off into nearby water bodies, contaminating them. This can lead to the destruction of aquatic habitats, killing of fish and other aquatic life, and the contamination of drinking water. To prevent water pollution, it is essential to use environmentally friendly landscaping practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers, the use of native plants, and the reduction of water usage. Water pollution is caused when pollutants from fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides are carried into nearby water bodies. These chemicals can be harmful to aquatic life and can contaminate drinking water sources. Water pollution can also have a negative impact on the ecosystem, leading to the destruction of aquatic habitats and the loss of biodiversity. To prevent water pollution, it is essential to use environmentally friendly landscaping practices. One technique is to use organic fertilizers, which are made from natural materials such as compost and manure. These fertilizers are less likely to leach into water sources and are safer for the environment. Another technique is to use native plants, which require less water and are better adapted to local conditions. Finally, reducing water usage by using drought-tolerant plants and implementing water-saving techniques such as rainwater harvesting can help to reduce water pollution. Loss of Biodiversity: Poor landscaping practices can also lead to the loss of biodiversity. When exotic plants are used in landscaping, they can outcompete native plants and disrupt the ecosystem. This can lead to a reduction in the number of insects, birds, and other animals that rely on native plants for food and habitat. To prevent the loss of biodiversity, it is essential to use native plants in landscaping. Native plants are adapted to the local environment and provide essential habitat for native wildlife. The loss of biodiversity is caused by the use of exotic plants in landscaping. Exotic plants are non-native to the area and can outcompete native plants for resources such as nutrients and water. This can lead to a reduction in the number of insects, birds, and other animals that rely on native plants for food and habitat. To prevent the loss of biodiversity, it is essential to use native plants in landscaping. Native plants are adapted to the local environment and provide essential habitat for native wildlife. They require less water, fertilizers, and pesticides, making them an environmentally friendly choice for landscaping. Additionally, planting a diverse mix of native plants can help to create a healthy ecosystem that supports a wide range of wildlife. Conclusion: In conclusion, poor landscaping practices can have a significant impact on the environment. Soil erosion, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity are just a few of the environmental problems that can result from poor landscaping practices. It is essential to implement proper landscaping techniques, such as the use of erosion-control devices, organic fertilizers, native plants, and the reduction of water usage to prevent these environmental problems. By implementing environmentally friendly landscaping practices, we can help protect our environment and preserve it for future generations. Author: Plnr. Rehan Ali Nasir Graduated from University of Management & Technology in BS. City & Regional Planning and Certified Member of Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners.

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From Concrete Jungle to Pedestrian Paradise: Embracing Walkability

Walkability and pedestrianisation have become buzzwords in urban planning and design, with an increasing number of cities around the globe giving pedestrians and cyclists precedence over cars and other vehicles. Numerous benefits are associated with walkable and pedestrian-friendly cities, ranging from improved public health and reduced traffic congestion to increased social interaction and economic growth. This blog post examines the concepts of walkability and pedestrianisation, as well as recommended practices and strategies for achieving them in urban environments. Pedestrian: One immediately wonders what “walkability” and “pedestrianisation” are, so let’s define them. A walkable city is one in which the built environment is planned and administered to make walking an alluring and practical mode of transportation. Walkability encompasses not only the physical infrastructure, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian crossings, but also the social and cultural aspects of walking, such as street vendors, public art, and community events. On the other hand, pedestrianisation generally refers to converting previously automobile- and other vehicle-accessible areas into pedestrian-only zones. Pedestrianisation can take a variety of forms, ranging from temporary closures for events and festivals to permanent changes to streets or neighbourhoods. Pedestrianisation is a potent tool for promoting walkability and sustainable transportation because it can create safe and inviting public spaces for people to walk, bike, and interact. In many vibrant towns around the world, walkability and pedestrianisation are encouraged for the development of robust communities. Walkable neighbourhoods are associated with higher property values and economic growth because they attract residents, tourists, and businesses. As more people in our cities are recognizing the advantages of sustainable transportation and livable communities, there is a need to promote the concept of walkability and pedestrianisation. Though to achieve that numerous obstacles remains like lack of sufficient pedestrian infrastructure, unsafe road conditions, and a culture that prioritizes cars over pedestrians. The complete street concept can be adopted to overcome these challenges. As the concept is not limited for attaining just street designs and standards rather it also provides guidelines for formulating strong policies and how to adopt them in accordance to specified communities and relevant surroundings. It is about policy and institutional change. This may seem simple enough but years of work and trials are done to formulate the engineering techniques and design specific to each type of roadways along with advocacy groups to enhance each street considering its own flavor. Our cities can also adopt the output of their struggle with our own modifications, evolvement and enhancements keeping in view of our statistics, economic scenario, adaptability as well as seasonal elements. The Complete Streets approach integrates people and place in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of our transportation networks. This helps to ensure streets put safety over speed, balance the needs of different modes, and support local land uses, economies, cultures, and natural environments. In conclusion, Complete Streets provides a holistic approach to create safe, sustainable, and livable communities by integrating people and places into the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation networks. The Complete Streets approach can help overcome the obstacles to walkability and pedestrianisation in our cities. However, its implementation requires a paradigm shift. Author: Plnr. Filzah Irshad Member of PCATP since, 2020 Urban planner and research associate at Sheher Saaz Education: Bachelor in City & Regional Planning from LCWU and Master in CRP from UET

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Urban Resilient

Best Ways to Build Urban Resilient Communities: Strategies and Best Practices

Urban Resilient is increasingly important in today’s world, where cities face a range of challenges including natural disasters, climate change, social unrest, and economic instability. This section of the blog post will provide an overview of the concept of urban resilience and explain why building resilient communities is so important. Urban resilience refers to the ability of a city or community to withstand, adapt to, and recover from a variety of shocks and stresses. These can include natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or wildfires, as well as human-caused events such as terrorism or pandemics. Resilience is about more than just bouncing back from a crisis, however; it also involves proactive planning and preparation to minimize the impact of future shocks and stresses. Importance of Build Urban Resilient Communities: There are many reasons why building resilient communities is important. First and foremost, it can help to save lives and reduce the impact of disasters. When communities are well-prepared and able to respond quickly to crises, they are more likely to prevent injuries, deaths, and damage to infrastructure. Additionally, resilient communities are better equipped to handle economic downturns, social unrest, and other non-natural disasters that can disrupt daily life. They are also more likely to be sustainable over the long term, as they have the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and address ongoing challenges like climate change. Finally, building resilient communities can foster a sense of community and social cohesion, as people come together to support each other in times of need. There are many strategies that cities and communities can use to build urban resilience. Here are some key ones: Building resilient communities requires the active engagement of community members. Engage the community by involving them in the planning and decision-making process for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. This can help to build trust and create a sense of ownership over the resilience-building process. Social cohesion is the glue that holds communities together. Building social cohesion can help communities to work together in times of crisis. Create opportunities for people to build relationships with one another, such as through community events, volunteer activities, or neighborhood associations. This can help to build trust and a sense of shared purpose. Strong physical infrastructure is essential for building urban resilience. Invest in infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters and other hazards, such as earthquake-resistant buildings, flood walls, or green infrastructure that can absorb excess stormwater. Ensure that infrastructure is designed with the needs of all community members in mind, including those with disabilities or other special needs. Diversifying the local economy can help to build urban resilience. Encourage the development of a range of businesses and industries, so that the community is not overly reliant on any one sector. This can help to mitigate the impact of economic downturns and create new opportunities for job growth. Environmental sustainability is critical for building urban resilience over the long term. Encourage sustainable practices such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green transportation. This can help to reduce the community’s carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future. Courtesy: Deltares Overall, these strategies can help to build more resilient communities that are better prepared to handle a range of shocks and stresses. By working together to build resilience, communities can create a brighter future for all of their members. In addition to the strategies outlined above, there are several best practices that cities and communities can follow to build urban resilience effectively. Here are some key ones: Building urban resilience requires collaboration and partnership between a range of stakeholders, including government agencies, community organizations, businesses, and residents. Engage stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to ensure that resilience-building efforts are inclusive and responsive to the needs of all community members. Data can be a powerful tool for informing resilience-building decisions. Collect and analyze data on hazards, risks, vulnerabilities, and community assets to identify areas where resilience-building efforts can have the greatest impact. Use data to develop evidence-based strategies and monitor progress over time. Resilience-building efforts must be equitable and inclusive to be effective. Consider the needs and experiences of all community members, including historically marginalized groups, and strive to address systemic inequities that may exacerbate the impact of disasters and other shocks. Promote social equity and justice in all resilience-building efforts. Building resilience is not a one-time effort; it requires ongoing planning, investment, and adaptation. Develop long-term plans and strategies that take into account changing environmental, economic, and social conditions. Build flexibility and adaptability into plans to ensure that they can evolve over time. To ensure that resilience-building efforts are effective, it is important to monitor progress and evaluate outcomes regularly. Set measurable goals and track progress towards them using relevant indicators. Use evaluation data to adjust strategies and improve outcomes over time. By following these best practices, cities, and communities can build resilience in a strategic, evidence-based, and equitable way. By working together towards a common goal, we can create more resilient and sustainable communities for all. There are many cities around the world that have successfully implemented strategies and best practices to build urban resilience. Here are three examples: Portland has been recognized as a leader in urban resilience for its efforts to address climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainable transportation. The city has implemented a range of programs and initiatives, including a green streets program that uses vegetation to manage stormwater and a climate action plan that sets targets for reducing emissions. Courtesy: PDX Planning, Portland Medellin has transformed itself from one of the most violent and divided cities in the world to a model of urban resilience. The city has invested heavily in social infrastructure, including public transportation, education, and cultural amenities. It has also implemented innovative programs, such as a cable car system that connects the city’s poorest neighborhoods to its economic center. Courtesy: Nomadic Matt Tokyo is known for its resilience to natural disasters, including earthquakes and tsunamis. The city has invested in advanced earthquake-resistant building

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Urban Planning

Urban Planning promotes bicycle transportation

Introduction Urban planning is the solution of many daily life problems. Air pollution is one of the major issues in all major cities of Pakistan. Use of pollution free transportation modes can enhance the cities environment. In this regard, promoting bicycle transportation can be a solution to reduce air pollution. As cities continue to grow, urban planners are increasingly focused on finding sustainable transportation solutions that can improve the quality of life for residents. One such solution is promoting the use of bicycles as a mode of transportation. Not only does cycling provide a low-cost and eco-friendly way of getting around, but it also has numerous health benefits. Courtesy: Northwestern Pakistan launches its first public bicycle-sharing scheme | Arab News PK Some ways in which urban planning can promote bicycle transportation. Bicycle Infrastructure One of the most important aspects of bicycle transportation is providing the necessary infrastructure. This includes dedicated bike lanes, bike parking facilities, and bike-sharing programs. By creating safe and convenient places for cyclists to ride and park their bikes, urban planners can encourage more people to take up cycling as a means of transportation. Traffic Calming Another way urban planning can promote bicycle transportation is by implementing traffic calming measures. This includes reducing speed limits, installing traffic circles, and narrowing streets. These measures not only make the roads safer for cyclists but also help to create a more pleasant and livable urban environment. Public Education Public education is also an important aspect of promoting bicycle transportation. Urban planners can work with local schools, community groups, and businesses to provide information and resources on cycling safety and the benefits of cycling. This can help to raise awareness and encourage more people to give cycling a try. Mixed-Use Development Mixed-use development is another way in which urban planning can promote bicycle transportation. By creating dense, walkable neighborhoods with a mix of residential, commercial, and retail spaces, urban planners can reduce the need for long-distance travel by car. This in turn makes it easier and more convenient for people to cycle to work, school, and other destinations. Greenways and Trail Networks Finally, urban planners can promote bicycle transportation by creating greenways and trail networks that connect different parts of the city. These networks provide safe and enjoyable places for cyclists to ride, away from the noise and pollution of busy roads. They also promote a healthy and active lifestyle, which is important for the overall well-being of city residents. Conclusion Concluding that, promoting bicycle transportation is an important part of urban planning. By providing the necessary infrastructure, implementing traffic calming measures, educating the public, creating mixed-use developments, and building greenways and trail networks, urban planners can encourage more people to take up cycling as a means of transportation. This can help to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and make cities more livable for everyone. Author: Muhammad Talha Naeem Graduated from University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Certified Town Planner from Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP)

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Real Estate

Real Estate and Economic Development: What are the Challenges and Issues

Real estate market in Pakistan along with its allied industries i.e., construction, housing, retail, rental, etc. is considered to have a pivotal role in overall economic development of the country. According to “Pakistan Economic Survey 2021-22”, the real estate market has contributed 9.6% shares in services and 5.6% shares in GDP[1] which is a huge contribution in the country’s economy. The statistics also highlights that the industry has seen a growth of 3.7% in the past year due to its positive economic contribution. This could be because real estate industry provides a reliable and sustainable source of income and is considered to be the best way for investing or saving money in any country. Despite having such economic potential, the industry fails to fully contribute in the country’s economic growth due to certain issues and challenges. Effective real estate management system Effective real estate management system is crucial to smoothly deal with real estate matters in a country. Most of the developed countries in the world have shifted on advanced I.T. based real estate management systems making it easy for them to deal with land transfers and payments ultimately posing a positive impact on economy. However, in Pakistan, there is still old “Patwar” system being used for dealing with most of the real estate matters which mostly rely on manual paper work posing several tangible and non-tangible risks on effective real estate management. Some of the risks include threat of fraudulent activities and improper money transactions while selling/purchasing of plots or other property. This ultimately impacts the economy at national level affecting the GDP. The real estate matters are directly dealt by the board of revenue in the country responsible for monitoring and tax collection for each sale deed made for property. Because this tax collection is also done through old paper based adopted procedures, it affects the level of transparency for tax payments made against each property sold and there is a high chances of corruption activities to take place. This loop hole in the tax collection system poses potential threats to the overall economy of the country as there is no proper monitoring system to control and monitor the transactions made while property selling. The real estate market index is a measure to analyse the performance of investment in real estate sector through showing the investment return in certain investment period. This index is used as a reference for decision making while investing in real estate market and to evaluate the result of investment done. Currently the Pakistan has no proper mean for sharing its property index with the national and international community shadowing its significance to more authentic investors. This also contributes in economic dilapidation of the country in terms of real estate as there are no proper means for attracting investors to invest in real estate sector of the country. Formulation and implementation of real estate laws and policies is inevitable for running a secure and transparent real estate system in the country. For this purpose, many countries have developed separate authorities being real estate authorities for dealing with the real estate matters with strong legal backing, organization and policy framework. In Pakistan, no such authority exists in the country posing risk to real estate sector in terms of legal and policy backing. This has been impacting the record keeping efficiency of the country for real estate matters making the sector weak enough to be moulded in any form as per individual’s desires. This ultimately impacts the economical progression of the entire state because of the absence of policy framework even for real estate transactions. Thus, a real estate regulatory authority is inevitable for a secure and transparent real estate growth in the country. Viewing the huge potential of real estate sector in the country’s economic growth, it is inevitable for the state actors to provide reliable and transparent resources ton deal with the real estate matters in the country. These could be in form of policy reforms or development of regulatory authorities i.e., Pakistan Real Estate Authority, etc. which can guarantee a sustainable growth of real estate sector. This will not only resolve the issues related to economy of Pakistan but will also help in dealing with other associated matters e.g., housing crisis, construction industry issues, etc. Author: Asad Ali Lodhi PCATP Licensed Urban Planner Associate Civil Engineer

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Urban planning

Role Urban Planning in Improving the Air Quality

Air pollution is a major public health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Urban areas, with their high population density and high levels of industrial and vehicular activities, are the main contributors to air pollution. However, with better urban planning, we can reduce air pollution and make our cities healthier and more sustainable. Urban planning Urban planning refers to the process of designing, managing, and developing urban areas in a way that meets the needs of the population while promoting sustainability. It involves the use of various strategies and technologies to enhance the quality of life in urban areas while minimizing the negative impact on the environment. Promoting sustainable transportation: One of the most effective ways that urban planning can reduce air pollution is through the promotion of sustainable transportation. Sustainable transportation refers to modes of transport that are energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible. It includes walking, cycling, public transport, and electric vehicles. Studies have shown that cities with well-planned and accessible public transport systems have lower levels of air pollution compared to those that rely heavily on private cars. For example, a study conducted in the UK found that residents of cities with good public transport systems had 27% less carbon emissions per capita compared to those living in areas with poor public transport. Promoting Green Spaces: Urban planning can reduce air pollution through the promotion of green spaces. Green spaces refer to parks, gardens, and other natural areas within urban areas. They provide numerous benefits, including improving air quality by absorbing pollutants and reducing the urban heat island effect. Trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air, helping to improve air quality. Green spaces can also provide a range of other benefits, including reducing urban heat island effects and providing habitats for wildlife. Image Courtesy: iStock Zoning Industrial Areas: Urban planning can help to reduce industrial pollution by zoning industrial areas away from residential areas and ensuring that industrial facilities comply with strict emissions standards. By doing so, cities can protect their residents from the harmful effects of industrial pollution. Energy consumption in buildings and other structures is a major contributor to air pollution. Urban planning can help to reduce energy consumption by promoting the use of energy-efficient buildings and infrastructure. This can be achieved through building codes, zoning regulations, and other policies that encourage the use of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient design. Courtesy: Getty Images  Proper Waste Management: Improper waste management is a major contributor to air pollution, particularly in developing countries where waste is often burned in open dumps. Urban planning can help to reduce this problem by promoting better waste management practices such as waste separation, recycling, and composting. This can be achieved through the development of waste management infrastructure, public education campaigns, and other policies. Pedestrian-Friendly Urban Design: Pedestrian-friendly urban design is a key aspect of sustainable transportation and can help to reduce air pollution by promoting walking and cycling. This can be achieved through the creation of pedestrian and bicycle-friendly infrastructure such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and pedestrian-only zones. Additionally, urban planners can design cities to be more compact, reducing the need for cars and other forms of transportation. Image: Courtesy of PCA-STREAM  In conclusion, air pollution is a serious problem in many urban areas around the world, but with better urban planning, it is possible to reduce its impact. As the better urban planning can reduce air pollution and make our cities healthier and more sustainable. By promoting sustainable transportation, creating green spaces, reducing energy consumption, zoning of industrial areas away from residential areas, designing pedestrian-friendly cities and improving waste management practices can further reduce air pollution produced in urban areas. With proper planning, the planners can create cities that are not only liveable but also promote the health and well-being of their inhabitants. Author: Plnr. Nimra Ali Graduated from University of Engineering and technology in BSc. City and Regional planning and a certified member of Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners.

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Urban planning relation with sustainable development goals

Introduction: Urban planning is a key factor in achieving sustainable development goals, as cities play a critical role in sustainable development. Sustainable development goals are a set of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to promote sustainable development worldwide. Urban planning involves designing, developing, and managing cities and towns in a way that enhances the quality of life for residents, protects the environment, and promotes economic growth. Sustainable development goals, on the other hand, focus on achieving economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. Urban Planning and Sustainable development goals: Urban planning plays a significant role in achieving sustainable development goals by ensuring the efficient use of resources, reducing environmental impact, and promoting social inclusion. The following are the key areas where urban planning can contribute to the SDGs: Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7) Urban planning can promote the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, by ensuring that buildings and infrastructure are designed to accommodate these technologies. It can also reduce energy consumption by promoting energy-efficient buildings and transport systems. Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11) Urban planning is crucial in creating sustainable cities and communities that are resilient to environmental, social, and economic changes. It involves designing compact, mixed-use neighborhoods with access to public transportation, green spaces, and community facilities. Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) Urban planning can promote responsible consumption and production by encouraging sustainable practices, such as recycling and waste reduction. It can also encourage sustainable urban agriculture and local food systems, reducing the carbon footprint of food production and transportation. Climate Action (SDG 13) Urban planning can help mitigate the impacts of climate change by promoting low-carbon transport systems, green infrastructure, and energy-efficient buildings. It can also encourage the use of public transportation, biking, and walking, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Gender Equality (SDG 5) Urban planning can promote gender equality by ensuring that public spaces and transportation are safe and accessible for women. It can also encourage the inclusion of women in the planning process and promote the participation of women in the workforce. Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through Urban Planning Despite the potential benefits of urban planning for sustainable development goals, there are several challenges to its implementation. The following are some of the most significant challenges: Limited resources: Many cities and communities lack the financial and technical resources necessary to implement sustainable urban planning practices. Political will: Sustainable urban planning requires political will and commitment from local authorities and policymakers. Without this, sustainable development goals may be difficult to achieve. Institutional capacity: Building institutional capacity for sustainable urban planning can be challenging, particularly in developing countries where institutional structures are weak. Stakeholder participation: Engaging stakeholders in the planning process, such as local communities and civil society organizations, is crucial for successful sustainable urban planning. However, this can be challenging in practice, particularly when stakeholder interests are conflicting. Conclusion Urban planning is critical to achieving sustainable development goals by promoting the efficient use of resources, reducing environmental impact, and promoting social inclusion. Sustainable urban planning can help create sustainable cities and communities that are resilient to environmental, social, and economic changes. However, it also faces several challenges, including limited resources, political will, institutional capacity, and stakeholder participation. Overcoming these challenges will require collective action and commitment from local authorities, policymakers, and communities worldwide. Author: Muhammad Talha Naeem Graduated from University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Certified Town Planner from Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP)

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Urban Planning Contributes in Providing Better Living Opportunities

Image Courtesy: Photo by Mohit Kumar on Unsplash Urban planning contributes in creating better living opportunities for people living in cities and urban areas. It involves the use of various strategies and technologies to design, manage, and develop cities in a way that promotes sustainability and meets the needs of the population. Assessing Community Needs Assessing community needs is an essential part of urban planning, as it helps urban planners to identify the needs and priorities of the community and develop plans that address them. By involving the community in the planning process, urban planners can ensure that their plans are responsive to the needs of the people they serve. Land Use Planning Land use planning is another important aspect of urban planning. It involves determining the best use of land in urban areas, such as zoning for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational purposes. By carefully planning land use, urban planners can create liveable and sustainable communities that promote walkability, reduce traffic congestion, and encourage active transportation. Transportation Planning Transportation planning is also crucial in providing better living opportunities for urban residents. It includes designing and managing transportation systems, such as public transportation, bike paths, and pedestrian walkways. By promoting public transportation and bike paths, urban planners can reduce traffic congestion and air pollution while promoting healthy lifestyles. Infrastructure Planning Infrastructure planning is essential for ensuring the health and safety of urban residents. It involves developing and managing essential facilities and services, such as water supply, sewage treatment, and waste management. By providing adequate infrastructure, urban planners can improve the quality of life for people living in urban areas. Public Space Planning Public space planning is another important aspect of urban planning. It involves designing and managing public spaces, such as parks, plazas, and streetscapes. High-quality public spaces can encourage social interaction and promote healthy lifestyles, contributing to better living opportunities for urban residents. Image Courtesy: Arcdaily Environmental Planning Environmental planning is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability of urban communities. It involves promoting sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient buildings, green spaces, and sustainable transportation. By promoting sustainable practices, urban planners can reduce the environmental impact of urban development and create healthier and more liveable communities. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock Housing Planning Housing planning is essential for ensuring that people have access to safe, affordable, and healthy housing. It includes the development of affordable housing, mixed-use developments, and sustainable housing. By promoting mixed-use developments and affordable housing, urban planners can create diverse and inclusive communities. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock Economic Planning Economic planning is also crucial in creating vibrant and sustainable urban communities. It involves promoting business development, job creation, and economic diversity. By promoting economic growth and diversity, urban planners can create opportunities for residents and businesses while enhancing the overall quality of life in urban areas. Conclusion In conclusion, urban planning plays a crucial role in providing better living opportunities for people living in urban areas. By assessing community needs and planning land use, transportation, infrastructure, public spaces, environmental protection, housing, and economic development, urban planners can create liveable, sustainable, and inclusive communities. Through careful planning and management, urban planners can improve the quality of life for urban residents, making cities a better place to live, work, and play. Author: Plnr. Nimra Ali Graduated from University of Engineering and technology in BSc. City and Regional planning and a certified member of Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners.

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Revitalization of Public Square: Making Cities More Livable

Revitalization of Public Square As cities continue to grow rapidly around the world, their physical structures are constantly changing, often in ways that are not favorable. As the population increases, there is a greater demand for infrastructure and facilities. The future of cities is a concern, particularly in terms of privatization and decentralization, which can have an impact on open public spaces. One of the most significant of these public spaces is the public square, which serves as a reflection of the city’s identity and the cultural background of its communities. These squares have been gathering places for people in urban environments since ancient times, where “urban life” takes place. Urban squares are a fundamental component of the city structure, contributing to the city’s image and prestige. As I write about the Revitalization of public squares, it is important to recognize their importance as essential public spaces in urban environments. Roles and Functions of Public Square Public squares serve as a vital part of the transportation system, acting as intersections for both pedestrians and vehicles. They also serve as civic centers where citizens engage in commercial activities and participate in leisurely games and sports. People could sit, relax, read books, meet with friends etc. These public spaces can be used for a variety of activities, such as ceremonies, rituals, and even marketplaces. Well-designed public squares enhance the visual landscape and contribute to environmental aesthetics, which can have positive psychological impacts on users. Additionally, the existence of open and green spaces like public squares can provide economic benefits for the surrounding community by increasing nearby real estate prices. Public squares play a significant role in fostering social cohesion and local identity in addition to their physical and ecological functions. They act as social catalysts, bringing citizens together from different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds, age groups, etc. Urban public squares symbolize “coexistence” and are essential to democracy, as they provide equal accessibility to all citizens. The main function of urban squares is to gather people for various activities, making them a crucial element of the city’s social fabric. Designing Urban Spaces Defining universal design principles that apply to all public squares worldwide is a difficult task. However, identifying basic principles can assist designers and planners during the design process. Before focusing on the design of public squares, it is important to understand the concept of modern cities. One of the major challenges facing globalizing cities is the loss of identity in public spaces, which planners and authorities should be mindful of when making decisions. A responsive public space should meet the community’s needs and provide spaces for relaxation, discovery, and active and passive engagement. Public spaces should be democratic and accessible to all groups. Additionally, public spaces should be meaningful and allow people to make connections between the place, their lives, and the world. When designing urban public squares, size is an important aspect to consider. While it is commonly believed that public squares must be large, size should be determined based on location, surrounding uses, and nearby activities. Designers and planners should focus on the concept of the place and potential user activity before determining the size of the square. Some researchers have attempted to identify the ideal size of public squares, but it ultimately depends on the specific context and needs of the community. Conclusion: In conclusion, urban public squares play a critical role in creating a livable, sustainable and democratic city. As public spaces continue to decline, concerns for the vitality of cities increase. Public squares are essential for establishing a physical and mental connection between public and urban environments, promoting social activities and cohesion, enhancing the character of the environment, and creating a sense of place and identity. However, urban public spaces, including public squares, have been negatively affected by globalization, privatization, and increasing individualism. Therefore, it is essential to recreate and design urban squares to enliven public life and establish social cohesion. Basic design principles for successful urban squares include promoting public use and participation, creating physically and socially accessible environments, achieving environmental sustainability, and promoting art and cultural activities. Urban designers and planners should prioritize the preservation of public squares and create management strategies to prevent losing a vital part of the city and community. Author: Plnr. Rehan Ali Nasir Graduated from University of Management & Technology in BS. City & Regional Planning and Certified Member of Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners.

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Urbanization in Karachi Urbanization is a complex process that affects millions of people around the world, particularly in developing countries where rapid urbanization has become a major concern. Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, has experienced unprecedented urbanization in recent years, with a population that has grown from 5 million in 1998 to more than 14 million in 2021. This growth has been fueled by a combination of natural increase and migration from rural areas and other parts of Pakistan. However, this rapid urbanization has led to various socio-economic and environmental challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, environmental degradation, and rising inequality. This article explores the drivers of urbanization in Karachi, the implications of urbanization for social and environmental sustainability, and the well-being of its residents. Karachi is a port city located on the Arabian Sea coast in southern Pakistan. It is the capital of the province of Sindh and the largest city in Pakistan, with an estimated population of 14.9 million in 2021. Karachi is the financial and economic hub of Pakistan and a major gateway for international trade, making it an attractive destination for migrants from across the country. Karachi has experienced rapid urbanization over the past few decades, with the urban population growing from 5 million in 1998 to 14.9 million in 2021. This growth has been fueled by a combination of natural increase and migration from rural areas and other parts of Pakistan. As a result, Karachi’s population density is one of the highest in the world, with more than 24,000 people per square kilometer. Karachi is also home to various informal settlements and slums, where the living conditions are often substandard and access to basic services is limited. The rapid urbanization of Karachi has resulted in various challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, environmental degradation, and rising inequality. These challenges have significant implications for the well-being and livelihoods of Karachi’s residents, particularly those living in informal settlements and slums. Therefore, the research problem for this paper is to understand the drivers of urbanization in Karachi and the implications for urban development, social and environmental sustainability, and the well-being of its residents. A critical analysis of existing research on Karachi urbanization reveals that there is a significant body of literature on the topic, with a focus on various aspects of urbanization, including migration, housing, infrastructure, and governance. However, there is a need for more research on the implications of urbanization for social and environmental sustainability, as well as the well-being of residents, particularly those living in informal settlements and slums. Various theoretical and conceptual frameworks have been developed to understand the dynamics of urbanization. These frameworks include the urban transition theory, which posits that urbanization is a natural process that occurs as societies undergo economic and social transformation. Another framework is the urban political economy, which emphasizes the role of political and economic factors in shaping urban development. In the context of Karachi, the urbanization process is shaped by a combination of economic, social, and political factors, including globalization, urban governance, and migration. The rapid urbanization of Karachi has resulted in various challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, environmental degradation, and rising inequality. These challenges have significant implications for the well-being and livelihoods of Karachi’s residents, particularly those living in informal settlements and slums. Therefore, the research problem for this paper is to understand the drivers of urbanization in Karachi and the implications for urban development, social and environmental sustainability, and the well-being of its residents. A critical analysis of existing research on Karachi urbanization reveals that there is a significant body of literature on the topic, with a focus on various aspects of urbanization, including migration, housing, infrastructure, and governance. However, there is a need for more research on the implications of urbanization for social and environmental sustainability, as well as the well-being of residents, particularly those living in informal settlements and slums. Various theoretical and conceptual frameworks have been developed to understand the dynamics of urbanization. These frameworks include the urban transition theory, which posits that urbanization is a natural process that occurs as societies undergo economic and social transformation. Another framework is the urban political economy, which emphasizes the role of political and economic factors in shaping urban development. In the context of Karachi, the urbanization process is shaped by a combination of economic, social, and political factors, including globalization, urban governance, and migration. The data collected reveal that urbanization in Karachi is driven by a combination of economic, social, and political factors, including globalization, urban governance, and migration. The data also reveal that urbanization has significant implications for social and environmental sustainability, as well as the well-being of residents, particularly those living in informal settlements and slums. Inadequate urban governance and planning have contributed to the development of informal settlements and slums, which are characterized by poor living conditions and limited access to basic services. Environmental degradation is also a major concern, with air and water pollution, inadequate waste management, and deforestation leading to health hazards and ecological imbalances. In conclusion, the rapid urbanization of Karachi has led to various socio-economic and environmental challenges, including inadequate infrastructure. Author: Town Planner Anis Samoo Member of Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Member of Institute of Planners Pakistan

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Greenfield Country Club & Resort Trip

Courtesy: Green Fields Country Club It was fantastic! We went on our office tour to the Greenfield Country Club & Resort Hotel at the end of March. I had to get up early because the Bus timing to pick me up from the office was 9 AM.Can you believe sir Junaid and our office boy missed the bus and joined us from a petrol pump on the way. The journey was good everyone was enjoying the travelling by singing, dancing and laughing. It was a sunny day. As we reached there on time at the main gate, our CEO sir Khurram was already reached there with his family too.It was a lush green garden over there. They served us delicious juice at the entrance. There were multiple activities like indoor outdoor games, horse riding and boating etc. The soothing environment of the place was spiritually pleasing to me because it took me closer to nature. I was enjoying the activities we played cricket together and won the match too. The indoor games were brilliant. After lunch, we had gone for swimming. The water was so cold which was contrasting with the sunny environment. After lunch, we played indoor games Carrom board, mechanical bull ride and table tennis. I captured many landscapes and sceneries. As you know photography is my hobby too. I have also experienced the built indoor structure from an architectural design point of view they beautifully used the dark colours of marble and furniture to respect the interior design as you can see in the pictures At the end of the day I enjoyed all the activities and tired enough so I enjoyed tea over there with a beautiful view of the sunset. Moreover, it was a good trip I learned a thing that outdoor & communal activities-built team coordination and communication skills strong. It’s also good for our physical and mental health.

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The Ancient Festival of Holi(ہولی کا قدیم تہوار)

ہولی کا قدیم تہوارجس کا آغاز پاکستان کی دھرتی سے ہوا پاکستان میں صوبہ پنجاب کے جنوبی شہر ملتان کے قلعہ کہنہ قاسم باغ میں واقع ہندوؤں کا تاریخی مندر ’پرہلاد پوری‘ تاریخی اعتبار سے دنیا بھر میں بسنے والے ہندوؤں کے لیے اہم حیثیت رکھتا ہے کیونکہ کہا جاتا ہے کہ ’ہولی‘ کے تہوار کا آغاز یہیں سے ہوا تھا۔ تاہم یہ مندر گذشتہ کئی سال سے ایک کھنڈر کی صورت بنا ہوا ہے ہولی ہندوبرادری کا تہوار ہے جو بھارت میں قومی سطح پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ ایشیا کے دیگر حصوں اور مغربی دنیا کے مختلف حصوں میں منایا جاتا ہے۔ ہولی کو رنگوں کا تہوار یا محبت کا تہوار بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔ہولی کا تہوار برائی پر اچھائی کی فتح، بہار کی آمد، دوسروں سے ملنے، کھیلنے اور ہنسنے، معاف کرنے اور معافی مانگنے اور ٹوٹے رشتوں کو دوبارہ بحال کرنے کی علامت ہے۔ یہ اچھی فصل کے لیے شکر گزاری کے طور پر بھی منایا جاتا ہے۔ ہندو عقیدے کے مطابق ہولی کے تہوار کا آغاز پاکستان کے شہر ملتان سے ہوا جہاں آج بھی پرہلادپوری مندرکے آثارموجود ہیں۔ ہندو دھرم کی روایات کے مطابق یہ قدیم مندر بھگت پرہلاد کے نام سے منسوب ہے، جو ست یوگ میں آئے تھے۔

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Remembering an Unsung Hero

Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali It was a tense afternoon of 23rd April 1930, when thousands of people had gathered in front of the Qissa Khawani Bazar Police Chowki in Peshawar, and the men of the Royal Garhwal Rifles took positions against the protesting crowd. Hundreds of people were looking on from their houses and rooftops. The British Captain warned the non-violent demonstrators to disperse but it had no effect on them. Then, in a rush of anger, he shouted….  ”Garhwal ~ Three rounds Fire !! ” In response, an equally firm voice of platoon head Veer Chandra Gharwal was heard, refusing to fire upon unarmed people even if the Captain were to shoot them down….. and all the Garhwali soldiers lowered their rifles to the ground. It was a rare and extraordinary moment of couragous defiance by a local unit in the history of British colonial rule. However, for this disobedience, he along with 59 soldiers were arrested and faced military court martial. They were sentenced to life imprisonment and all their properties were seized. After serving this term in several jails for 11 years, 3 months and 18 days, he was finally released in year 1941. Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali was born on 25th December, 1889 in the district of Garhwal, Utterkhand, and died on 1st October, 1979 after a long illness. For his humanity and courage, he deserves to be known, acknowledged and remembered by us.

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The last days of Socrates
By Plato

‘Nothing can harm a good man either in life or after death’ – Socrates The trial and condemnation of Socrates on charges of heresy and corrupting young minds is a defining moment in the history of classical Athens. In tracing these events through four dialogues, Plato also developed his own philosophy of a life guided by self-responsibility. Euthyphro finds Socrates outside the court-house, debating the nature of piety, while the Apology is his robust rebuttal of the charges against him. In the Crito, awaiting execution in prison, Socrates counters the arguments of friends urging him to escape. Finally, in the Phaedo, he is shown calmly confident in the face of death. Will start reading this enlightening book by a great philosopher about the last days of one of the greatest philosopher of all time who accepted to drink a cup of poison as a price for not compromising on the truth he believed in.

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Pakistan Ka Matlab Kya? la ilaha illallah

Islam appears to me like a perfect work of architecture. All its parts are harmoniously conceived to complement and support each other; nothing is superfluous and nothing lacking; and the result is a structure of absolute balance and solid composure.  – Leopold Weiss born on 2nd July 1900 in a Jewish family in Austria. Converted to Islam in 1926 in Berlin and adopted Muslim name Mohammad Asaad. In 1932, he came to British India and met poet philosopher, thinker, Allama Mohammad Iqbal who inspired asad to stay in British India and help Muslims to establish their separate home. Allama Iqbal encouraged asad to translate Sahi Al Bukhari in English for the first time in history. Asad went to Kashmir to do the needful. When Pakistan was born on 14th August 1947,  Asad was the first foreigner to get Pakistani Citizenship and was appointed Director of the Department of Islamic Reconstruction by Qaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah with the following goals to achieve: 1) interest free banking 2) Islamic education system 3) constitution based on Quran and Sunnah In the words of Qaid e Azam, a State of our own concept – that is to say, a State which would fully satisfy our desire to have a polity built on the principles of Islam. Alhamdulillah Qaid e Azam was a true marde momin. We have to fulfill the unfinished agenda of our Qaid e Azam and Pakistan.

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World Town Planning Day

You are cordially invited to attend “World Town Planning Day”. When: Monday 18th of Nov 2019, 10 am to 1 pm in UMT Lahore. We would be honored by your presence on this auspicious occasion.Looking forward to seeing you there.Khurram Farid Bargatt– Vice-Chairman PCATP– Secretary-General IPP– Managing Director, Sheher Saaz

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