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Tag: housing finance

Mere Makan Main Dukan

  After the deadly floods and earthquakes, more than two third Pakistanis were in urgent need of assistance. Homelessness are continuing threats to the victims of these disasters. The scope of destruction is so wide that instead of huge international donations and governmental efforts for relief and reconstruction, the situation is not healing effectively and the gap is enlarging day by day between supply and demand of houses.The Central Bank statistics revealed that now there is a total shortage of  8.8 million houses and 700,000 houses/year must be provided to cope with the increasing demand. . Especially for low-income households, there is a dearth of financial resources to build/renovate damaged and destroyed houses; this is worsened by the fact that non-sustainable methods and materials that are used continue to be vulnerable in future disasters. There is an urgent need in Pakistan towards innovative housing strategies including financial and technical assistance programs.   Project is aimed to fulfill the requirements and needs of low-income housing groups, with the durability in disasters. An affordable house design methodology was used to design alternatives of low income housing in order to minimize cost and environment impact while maximizing the entrepreneurship, self help and community development.   Project site is located in Sialkot comprising on total land area 21760 Square Feet (4 kanals), the master plan and house designs have been prepared with great consideration of locals and keeping in view their demands. Houses are designed in such a way that they will provide not only shelter but also will become source of income. We are looking sponsors to help poor and needy in Sialkot area to provide them shelters. The main features of Project are: 1. Affordable Housing especially for low-income 2. Eradication of poverty through Entrepreneurship activities with in house 3. House designs that will improve health conditions  4. Women empowerment through home based working areas 5.Flood resistant and energy efficient designed houses   Please send your donations to: Account no. 4400663884881221, Account title: Muhammad Tariq Bank of America USA      

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Affordable Housing Dialogue Recap

On the 6th of May 2016, Sheher Saaz (Pvt) Ltd organized a dialogue on affordable housing at its office on Mall Road Lahore. Sheher Saaz is a multidisciplinary architecture, planning, and engineering design consultancy firm working since 1998. Sheher Saaz with offices in London, Toronto, Lahore, and Jhelum has extensively worked on physical, social, economic, and environmental issues that cities are facing. Affordable Housing Dialogue was attended by architects, planners, academicians, engineers, environmentalists, and students. Few participants traveled all the way from Toronto and Islamabad. Mr. Khurram Farid, Principal Planner at Sheher Saaz started the dialogue by giving an overview of the current housing crisis and issues of the low-income housing sector being faced in the country. He also mentioned that countries like India and Egypt are successfully addressing this issue through different schemes funded by respective governments. Dr. Fariha Tariq, Head of Department of City and Regional Planning at University of Management and Technology Lahore, explained different initiatives adopted by the governments and also problems being faced by this sector. Dr Tariq Habib Malik from Toronto emphasized that due to lack of housing finance it is almost impossible to address this vital issue. He further explained that getting loans from banks is almost impossible for low income group on account of higher interest rates. Emma Ahmad from Ansaar Management Company (AMC) briefed that how AMC is working on provision of affordable housing to the low income groups. She emphasized that there is need to change planning regulations in context with affordable housing. Ms Sana Malik Architect told the house how Malaysian Government is managing this issue in Malaysia and she also talked on the issues of formal and informal affordable housing in Pakistan. Mr. Naveed ul Haq from Ellan consultancy explained his experience while working with KPK Government. Mr. Asad Jan from Urban Unit explained affordability is not clear in Pakistani context. Mr. Muhammad Shoaib from Urban Unit highlighted that in Pakistan we are yet relying on 1998 census and national housing policy which was derived in 2001. Since under the 18th Amendment, housing is a provincial subject, none of the provincial governments in Pakistan have formulated the provincial housing policy and in the absence of any such policy, affordable housing is unlikely to be achieved. Ahmad Masood from NESPAK raised the issue of coordination between various planning and implementing departments. Mr. Muthair Awan explained that how through Public Private Partnership we can deal affordable housing. Dr Atif Billal Aslam from UET Lahore explained the land speculation as a big hurdle in making housing affordable. In the end President of Institute of Planners Pakistan (IPP), Mr. Aslam Mughal summed up the dialogue and gave the way forward by raising four key areas which need further deliberations and study. Accordingly, four working groups are formulated. He said, housing finance, planning standards, land speculations and rental housing will be researched and finding will be put to the next dialogue scheduled on Friday 1st of June 2016. The findings and recommendations will be shared with the government in formulating the policy and plan in this regard, he maintained.

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