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Federal Cabinet constituted the Federal Commission

Federal Cabinet constituted the Federal Commission under Martial Law Regulation No. 82 comprising the following members: Member Planning & Design CDA. Director-General, Pakistan Environment Protection Agency (Pak EPA), Islamabad. Director-General Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA), Rawalpindi. Chief (Physical Planning), Planning Commission of Pakistan. Chief Metropolitan Officer, Metropolitan Corporation of Islamabad(MCI) Islamabad. Mr. Asad Mehboob Kayani, Ex-Member (Planning & Design) CDA Director (Master Planning), CDA Islamabad. Dr. Ahmed Zaib Khan, Chair, Sustainable Architecture & Urbanism, Building Architecture & Town Planning Department, Brussels School of Engineering, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels-Belgium. In pursuance of the Federal Cabinet’s decision vide case no, 690/31/2019 dated 30.07.2019 and subsequent directive of the Prime Minister of Pakistan in a meeting held on 02.08.2019, the following nine (09) additional members from the private sector are hereby notified as new Members of the Federal Commission. Mr. Khurram Farid Bargatt Chartered Town Planner, MD Shehersaaz Pvt Ltd,(Vice-Chairman, Town Planning, PCATP and General Secretary Institute of Planners, Pakistan) Mr. Nayyar Ali Dada (Architect) Mr. Naveed Aslam (Architect) Mr. Saleem Mansoor (Architect) Mr. Ali Asghar Khan Mr. Aziz Aslam (Team Leader NESPAK, Civil Engineer) Mr. Nayyab Hassan Gardezi, Lawyer Miss. Humaira Qasim Khan (Climate Change Advisor/ Environmental Specialist by Profession) Miss Asma Khalil (Economist) The Chairman CDA will act as Chairman of the Commission till such time an eminent private sector person is appointed as Chairman. Terms of reference (TOR’s) of the commission: Review of Existing Master Plan and proposals for next 20 years i.e. till 2040. Assessment of the efficacy of the existing Master Plan. Possible regularization of illegal buildings /construction done in violation of CDA Ordinance 1960, Master Plan, ICT Zoning Regulation 1992 (as amended), Islamabad Building Regulation 2005, and other relevant regulations made under CDA ordinance 1960. The Commission shall keep in view the increased private sector participation in health and education sectors and make recommendations. Proposal for the future development in short term, medium-term and long term plans. The Commission shall consider the outstanding issues of original owners/effects of katchi abadis of Islamabad and make suitable recommendations to address their grievances. The Commission may further amend the terms of reference with the approval of the Government. The Commission shall complete its work within 6 months. In pursuance of the completion of assigned tasks, the Commission will evaluate existing reports, information available on record, and all other data for them and finalize the report within one month. The Commission will also examine the problem of sewerage contamination in Korang River upstream of Rawal Dam and suggest an appropriate solution. Government departments like Planning Commission, CDA, RDA, and Pak-EPA will provide support to complete the task. The consultants shall separately develop execution and implementation plans and sub-plan for the development authority wherever required. The 13th meeting of the Federal Commission constituted to revise the masterplan of Islamabad held at CDA headquarters Islamabad: September 3, 2019:  The 13th meeting of the Federal Commission constituted to revise the masterplan of Islamabad was held at Capital Development Authority (CDA) headquarters here on Tuesday. The meeting of the Commission was convened by the Chief Commissioner Islamabad and Chairman CDA Amer Ali Ahmed. The meeting was attended by Kurram Farid Bargatt Vice-Chairman PCATP, Suleman Mansoor Architect, Naveed Aslam Architect, Ali Asgher, Nayab Hassan Gardezi renowned lawyer, Member Planning of the Authority, Director Master Planning, Director Building Control, Director Regional Planning, and other concerned officers. The commission during the meeting reviewed and discussed in detail the different recommendations regarding the revision of the master plan.

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