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Tag: Mr. Khurram Farid Bargatt

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems in Urban Planning

Urban planners face numerous challenges regarding the development and growth of cities as they aim to provide residents with essential infrastructure and services. To address these challenges effectively, remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are being deployed for improved precision and streamlined planning procedures. With RS tools like satellite imagery or aerial photography coupled with GIS technology usage-urban planners have access to a more detailed primary data on which they base their decisions. Data Collection Remote Sensing (RS), through satellite imaging and aerial photography, provides detailed views of a city’s physical features. Combined with Geographic Information Systems’ (GIS) computer-based mappingtools, urban planners can accurately visualize the urban landscape. Mapping out critical infrastructure like road networks or construction sites could be efficiently executed using these technologies. The acquired information can be utilized to pinpoint any locations within the city that necessitate upgrades or improvements. Insufficiencies pertaining to transportation systems and dilapidated buildings could entail potential targets for these enhancements. Advantages of Remote Sensing and GIS in urban planning Urban planning benefits immensely from the use of RS and GIS to extract information concerning the environment. The amount of green space within a city, for example, can be accurately determined using satellite imagery. Urban inhabitants are increasingly realizing the numerous advantages of green spaces such as parks and gardens which play a crucial role in better air quality, reduced heat islands, and physical activities. Another significant benefit is that urban planners can model various scenarios by utilizing GIS software to create three dimensional models that simulate diverse developmental plans such as new infrastructure or buildings. Before issues arise, models can help detect potential problems and make appropriate land use and zoning decisions. Through the use of RS and GIS, natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes can be analyzed and predicted. RS/GIS in Natural Disasters Satellite imagery analysis aids in identifying vulnerable areas within the city, allowing planners to make recommendations that may include building elevation or green infrastructure that minimizes flood risk. Universal access to higher education is an imperative, which must become a reality to ensure equitable development of society. Specific privileges or limitations on such an education being reserved for the elite are unjust and result in deep social inequalities perpetuated over time. RS and GIS can also play a critical role in urban transportation planning Through the application of RS and GIS, crucial insights into urban transportation planning become available. By conducting thorough analyses of traffic circulation patterns and road infrastructures, regions experiencing high levels of congestion can be identified for enhancement efforts suchas revised signals timing plans, delineated cycling pathways or new modes of public transit. The consideration of community needs and preferences in making determinations regarding city growth can be supported by utilizing remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) during urban planning. Decisions making in city’s development On the other hand, there are particular difficulties that must be tackled regarding these tools’ usage within this context. The adequacy and excellence of available data are among such problems with substantial disparities still prevalent across different nations, particularly those considered underdeveloped. Likewise, this variability in data quality can impact analytical precision levels. Conclusion The intricate nature of GIS technology poses a major challenge for urban planners. Despite the increasing user-friendliness of software, its effective utilizationrequires specialized knowledge and training. This can be an obstacle in smaller cities or developing countries.Urban planners harness remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) to address the complex challenges of city development. Despite disparities in data quality and technical expertise, these tools empower planners to make informed decisions for sustainable and equitable urban growth. Also read…………..

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یہ کوئی عام کھنڈر نہیں یہ دسویں (10)صدی کے مشہور سائینسدان ابوریحان البیرونی کی لیبارٹری ہے

یہ کھنڈر ضلع جلہم کے شہر پنڈ دادنخان میں واقع ہیں۔ یہ کوئی عام کھنڈر نہیں یہ دسویں صدی کے مشہور سائینسدان ابوریحان البیرونی کی لیبارٹری ہے، جس میں انھوں نے ان پہاڑوں کی چوٹیوں کا استعمال کر کے زمین کی کل پیمائش کا صحیح اندازہ لگایا البیرونی کے مطابق زمین کا قطر 3928.77 تھا جبکہ موجودہ ناسا کی جدید کیلکولیشن کے مطابق 3847.80 ھے یعنی محض81 کلومیٹر کا فرق_ البہرونی نے ڈھائی سو سے زیادہ کتابیں لکھیں، وہ محمود غزنوی کے دربار سے منسلک تھے، افغان لشکر کے ساتھ کلرکہار آئے، افغانوں نے البیرونی کے ڈیزائن پر انکو یہ لیبارٹی بنا کر دی، ابو ریحان محمد بن احمد البیرونی المعروف البیرونی کی لیبارٹری ہے ‏اب سوچنے کی بات یہ ہے کہ ہم اپنے ورثہ کی کیسے قدر کرتے ہیں، اس میں ماسوائے چند بکریاں چرانے والوں کے علاوہ کوئی نہیں جاتا، اگر اس کا خیال نہیں رکھا گیا تو بہت ہی جلد ہم اس عجوبہ سے محروم ہوجائینگے، اس کے علاوہ یہاں تک جانے کا راستہ بھی ٹھیک نہیں ہے، اس کے لئے تقریبا ایک گھنٹہ کا پیدل سفر کرنا پڑے گا،‏حکومت کو چاہیئے کہ دوبارہ سے ٹھیک کرے اور تعلیمی اداروں کو چاہیئے کہ Study Tours ایسے تاریخی مقامات پر کروایا کریں۔ یہ جو سٹڈی ٹور مری، نتھیا گلی وغیرہ میں کیئے جاتے ہیں یہ صرف اور صرف تفریح ہی ہو سکتے ہیں ان سے تعلیمی مقاصد حاصل نہیں کیئے جا سکتے،‏1974 میں سوویت یونین نے ابو ریحان محمد بن البیرونی پر ایک فلم بھی بنائی ھے جس کا نام ھے ابو ریحان البیرونی، البیرونی کی وفات 1050 میں غزنی افغانستان میں ہوئی اور وہیں آسودہ خاک ہیں Also read…………..

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Construction Package By PM Pakistan

Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies invites you to the following event.Webinar on “CONSTRUCTION PACKAGE BY PM PAKISTAN”When: Thu May 7, 2020, 12:00 pm – 02:00 pm (Pakistan Standard Time) Joining link info: To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/qpn-wgpc-ocyOtherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 240-774-0086 and enter this PIN: 555 481 385#To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/qpn-wgpc-ocy?hs=5) Moderators: Lt. Gen (R) Haroon Aslam – President Advisory Board IIPS Mr. Khurram Farid Bargatt – Member Advisory Board IIPS Speakers: Mr. Zaigham M. Rizvi – Chairman NPHP Mr. S.M. Imran – Vice-Chairman LDA Mr. Shafiq Akbar – Chairman Graana Group Mr. Akbar Sheikh – Chairman ABAD (N.R) Mr. Kalim A Siddiqui – Chairman PCATP Mr. Javed Afzal – Provincial Chief SMEDA Instructions: Use of Google Chrome Browser is recommended to join the webinar. To ensure voice clarity & prevent feedback participants are requested to mute their microphones unless they are the ones speaking. Participants besides the Panelists are requested to reserve their questions for the webinar end Q&As session or write their questions in the comments section.

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