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Tag: World Town Planning Day

World Town Planning Day: Celebrating Sustainable Urban Development World Town Planning Day

You are cordially invited to attend “World Town Planning Day”. When: Monday 18th of Nov 2019, 10 am to 1 pm in UMT Lahore. We would be honored by your presence on this auspicious occasion.Looking forward to seeing you there.Khurram Farid Bargatt– Vice-Chairman PCATP– Secretary-General IPP– Managing Director, Sheher Saaz https://nation.com.pk/08-Nov-2020/world-town-planning-day-2020 https://e.jang.com.pk/07-31-2019/pindi/pic.asp?picname=526.png

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World Town Planning Day and Launch of the Book “National Urban Agenda of Pakistan; Policy Recommendations”

In 1949, World Town Planning Day, actually known as the international organisation for World Urbanism Day was founded by the late Professor Carlos Maria della Paolera of the University of Buenos Aires, a graduate at the Institut d’urbanisme in Paris, to advance public and professional interest in planning and to celebrate the accomplishments of planners and their contributions to their communities. Being town planners, celebrating the day dedicated to the profession has always been important as the profession is not well-known in the country and is not considered imperative enough so every year, it is celebrated at the national level with zest. It had been celebrated at NUST, UMT and LCWU in November and December 2019, organized by Gharana, IPP and Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies along with universities’ administration respectively. Town planners from all over the country took part in those events including renowned town planner Khurram Farid Bargatt (General Secretary IPP and VC Planning PCATP), Imtiaz Chandiyo (Chairman of Urban & Regional Planning Department Mehran University), Waseem Hayat Bajwa (DG Federal Government Employees Housing Authority), Dr. Tariq Mahmood (Principle of SCEE NUST), Planner Qadir Hasnain (PhD Scholar), Dr. Waheed (Chairman Urban & Regional Planning Department NUST), Taimoor ul Haq Abbasi (Director Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies) and Shafiq Akbar (CEO Gharana). Each participant had an intriguing topic to discuss and some very imperative points were highlighted through the presentations. Mr. Khurram Farid discussed New Urban Agenda, an initiative taken by the UN-Habitat and adopted by many countries except Pakistan, and launched a book in this regard to provide policy recommendations to formulate the New Urban Agenda of Pakistan. He highlighted its significance and need in the context of Pakistan and also expressed how the government can utilize the document in establishing its own policy in the context to achieve its set targets of Sustainable Development Goals.

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World Town Planning Day

“World Town Planning Day”, was founded in 1949 by the late Professor Carlos Maria Della Paolera of the University of Buenos Aires, a graduate at the Institut d’urbanisme in Paris, to advance public and professional interest in planning. It is celebrated in more than 30 countries on four continents each November 8th. It is a special day to recognize and promote the role of planning in creating livable communities. World Urbanism Day presents an excellent opportunity to look at planning from a global perspective, an event that appeals to the conscience of citizens and public authorities in order to draw attention to the environmental impact resulting from the development of cities and territories. On Sunday the 8th of November the walk was arranged at Mall Road from Faisal Chowk Mall Road to Dyal Singh Mansion, Mall Road with an aim to explore contemporary practices that led to the deterioration of the Mall Road with excessive character-undermining due to commercialization. This Walk was a part of series to commemorate World Town Planning Day that is celebrated across the globe to emphasize the need for better planning of human settlements. Members from civil society, the planning community, and students from universities are participating in this event. This year’s theme of World Town Planning Day ‘’Housing Regeneration – Strengthening Communities’’, is being adopted by all planning institutes and organizations worldwide. Institute of Planners Pakistan IPP along with Three Universities is organizing seminars, lectures, and workshops at their campuses. These Universities include the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore UET, the University of Management and Technology Lahore UMT, and Lahore College for Women University Lahore LCW. Senior Planners from the public, private, and universities are going to present their work there. Lahore College for Women University celebrated World Town Planning Day on the 10th of November at the LCWU campus. University of Management and Technology is celebrating on the 30th of November at the UMT campus. University of Engineering and Technology has scheduled World Town Planning Day celebrations on the 5th of December at UET Lahore Campus. Institute of Planners Pakistan with the collaboration of UMT is also organizing a poster competition among students for the World Town Planning Day. The top three position holders will get prizes and certificates. For any further details please contact IPP at email: instituteofplanners@gmail.com

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WORLD TOWN PLANNING DAY By: Muhammad Aslam Mughal, President Institute of Planners Pakistan World Town Planning Day is being celebrated on 8th November 2015. Institute of Planners Pakistan (IPP) has also chalked out a number of activities in collaboration with various institutions in the country to celebrate this day throughout the month of November. The idea is to create awareness in the general public and highlight issues for the planners and other related professionals. In these events, leading academicians and practitioners will be sharing their ideas and experiences with a large number of professionals and students to improve the quality of life in our cities and towns. Pakistan is faced with complex challenges in view of rapid urbanization whereby 60% of our population will be living in urban areas by 2050 as compared to 35% currently. In terms of number, we have to accommodate more than 80 million people in urban areas during this period as compared to the existing figure of 70 million. It means we need a new Faisalabad every year. Urbanization has negative effects but it is a major factor for economic growth. Currently, about 77% of Pakistan’s GDP is being generated by the cities so one can appreciate the role of cities in the national economy. This is why many countries in the world are focusing on cities to make them more efficient including the launch of programs of smart cities. Pakistan is under tremendous pressure of climate change that is going to impact our existing cities and pose serious issues with relation to the location of new cities. Recent earthquakes and floods indicate the effects. Our agricultural and forest areas, coastal zones, and areas of cultural and historic significance are under the threat of urbanization. In case of no serious action precious agricultural land will go on decreasing creating food security problems. We have a great opportunity in the form of the China Pak Economic Corridor to rationalize our settlement structure with a focus on underdeveloped areas of KPK, Baluchistan, and Sindh. All developed countries have gone through this stage of urbanization but they have prepared themselves to cope with the situation. The basic requirement to tackle these issues properly is a comprehensive spatial planning system at the national, provincial, and local levels. Whereas there have been some attempts at the local levels in the form of master plans, structure plans, and outline development plans the other two levels have been ignored so far. KPK has recently initiated Provincial Land Use Plan and Punjab is now in the process of initiating the Provincial Spatial Development Plan. Planning Commission recommended the preparation of National Spatial Strategy and Provincial Spatial Development Plans in 2005 but no action has been taken so far. It is high time we initiate these plans to preserve our national assets and capitalize on the immense natural and human resource potential in the service of our existing and future population. Recently approved Vision 2025 will provide a sound basis for National Spatial Strategy. These plans have to be prepared with the active participation of all public and private stakeholders and approved by the highest level of government to realize the fruits of this effort. A number of successful examples from other countries are available. Efforts in cities have also to be more coordinated and participation of all stakeholders has to be ensured from the preparation of plans to their implementation. To provide teeth to these plans Planning Act is a must so that all public and private developers and service providers strictly follow these plans to create sustainable cities/towns serving all sectors of the economy and all sections of the society equitably and efficiently. IPP is committed to these goals and will continue its efforts to advise and assist relevant government institutions to cope with the challenges.

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